A very short platformer made from scratch in GB Studio for GBJAM 12.

Also playable on original hardware and emulators by downloading the ROM file. (Complete with slow down!)

This is my first real crack at making a game of any kind, and it was a lot of fun! I learned a lot and plan on expanding the game with more masks, powers, and levels.

Sadly I ran out of time so this is more of a prototype, but I hope you enjoy it as is.

Sorry about the music, I had no idea what I was doing.

Made using:

  • GB Studio
  • Tiled
  • Photoshop CS6
Published 1 day ago
TagsGame Boy, GBJam, gbjam12, gbstudio


Monster Mask Mania 1.0.gb 256 kB


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I've never developed in GBStudio but this feels super authentic.  I really liked the writing, made me laugh out loud - "I wonder if there are any badly drawn bats around here."

Well done!